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Radio Bloopers

From newsreaders puking up on air to sports commentators doubled up with laughter. Listen to these gaffes, giggles and blunders - the Brian Johnston out take still makes me cry with laughter!

Aggers, for goodness sake, stop it!

Cricket commentators Brian Johnston and Jonathan Agnew get the giggles at The Oval in 1991.
Brian Johnston

Right on target

Scottish football reporter Roddy Forsyth is foiled by a pigeon on a mission.
A pigeon

Shut up!

A bad day at the office just got noisier for a very frustrated reporter.
A loud hailer

Pass the bucket

One poorly presenter who really should have taken a sickie!
Unwell woman

Dazed and confused

A veteran athlete becomes the interviewee every reporter dreads...
An elderly runner

Nobody's laughing

Five Live's Louise Minchin finds out that Ian Payne isn't the most sympathetic of hosts.
Louise Minchin

The clips are recorded as MP3 files. You can listen to them if you have a suitable media player installed on your computer. Simply right click on the listen button below and 'save target as' to download to your PC.